I didn’t know the official term for this either.     But I have researched this for the past 5 years.  I am now growing weary and concerned, for where we are headed.

Here is the definition of Transhumanism from Wikipedia :

often abbreviated as H+ or h+, is an international intellectual and cultural movement that affirms the possibility and desirability of fundamentally transforming the human condition by developing and making widely available technologies to eliminate aging and to greatly enhance human intellectual, physical, and psychological capacities.[1] Transhumanist thinkers study the potential benefits and dangers of emerging technologies that could overcome fundamental human limitations, as well as study the ethical matters involved in developing and using such technologies.[1] They predict that human beings may eventually be able to transform themselves into beings with such greatly expanded abilities as to merit the label “posthuman“.[1] Transhumanism is therefore viewed as a subset of philosophical “posthumanism“.[2]

This post will be general and won’t be chock-full of information.  But this is disconcerting.

A lot of people go through life acting as if everything is hunky-dory, and may think this stuff is hilarious. If you are a spiritually healthy person, than you also understand the realities of things.    We are exposed to so many images during the day.   If you watch television, watch movies, read magazines, and go on YouTube, then that exposure increases exponentially.   Most of what is promoted is anything but positive.   There is not a lot of love for human beings.    However, the love for robots, androids, technology, and gadgets is ubiquitous.   I bet many people have never noticed that.   You might think it’s just clever marketing and advertising.   We assume conflict between people, male-bashing, and division of genders is normal.  It’s not.  And it’s a tragedy that this has been tolerated and accepted as normal.  Now we get movies where robots are involved in the same quandaries as you and I.   I will reinforce this point; these are machines and they are promoted in a more sympathetic fashion than people are.   Robots.  Not people.  Not animals.

One example is District 9.  I happen to think it’s an incredible movie, but I understand (more on this another time) why our corporate-run media is now churning out these movies at a rapid pace.   There are heavy themes of a police state, xenophobia, segregation, and uprising.   The movie really makes homo sapiens look like buffoons and robots look educated.  It’s such a masterpiece, but like many other examples, human beings are viewed as afterthoughts and marginalized.

Other examples are Terminator, Short Circuit, Robocop, A.I., Wall-E,  I Robot,  and currently Real Steel.    During Fox’s coverage of the NFL, you see animated dancing robots.  Anyone stop to think why this being presented to us?

This is not a movie review site, but Real Steal’s premise is that robots have replaced humans, in the year 2020, as the top boxers.   Nice story on the surface but I smell something demonic.

If you care to do some research, you will find a plethora of other examples.   Search your favorite artists in pop music. (Black Eyed Peas, Rihanna, Beyonce, Katy Perry, Keisha, etc.)  Do a search for their respective music videos and see what you get.   If you choose to call me uptight, paranoid, conspiratorial, or delusional, then so be it.  See for yourself.  I am just asking pertinent questions.

We are evolving as a species, but my concern is that we have reached our zenith.    (Or the powers that be think we have.)   We should know better and should know otherwise.  In a short while this may be a positive.   Every revolution is just that.  A rotation/revolution always goes back to it’s starting point sometime.

It was a slow process 20+ years ago, but technology is exploding at a frenetic pace.  And humans are being brushed to the side.  The societal implications have started to show up in the last 10 years and even faster in the last 5.    I broached this topic with a lot of generalities.  More specifics are going to be used in future posts.    Most of my blog posts so far have come with a promise of follow-ups.  This will be no exception.